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Proposal for a MSU Research/Academic Software Developers Group (MSU-RSD)

This is in draft form and to be revised and finalized by the community as it forms


The goal of this organization is to bring together those at MSU who are responsible for writing code that supports academic activity from a spectrum of involvement and experience to learn from and support each other. This group would operate similarly to the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) "Special Interest Groups" (SIG): invested in advancing the skills of their members, keeping them abreast of emerging trends, offer opportunities for networking with colleagues, staying connected to peers and negotiating the strategic challenges of the digital age.(, ")

We strive to be inclusive. We welcome anyone who, for part of their jobs, write software of some kind rather than simply use existing software. That includes faculty, staff, and students. This doesn't limit to those who consider themselves "software engineers" to encourage those who may spend significant time developing software but don't consider this their primary profession.

We hope to connect those developers who may be the only programmer on their research team, may all get a boost from a local social connection. e MSU environment in which we develop software has unique characteristics, and we can learn from each other.

Statement of Intent:

  • Access for all
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Building community
  • Support career development
  • widen perspectives to foster inclusivity

adapted from the Society of Research Software Engineering


In order to keep a welcoming, interesting, and positive experience for everybody, we expect members to behave respectfully towards all others, including those that are different or think differently from themselves. Please be helpful, considerate, and tolerant of other members. A formal code of conduct will be determined by the community as it forms.

As most of us are employees of MSU, We follow all MSU policies and procedures including the MSU Acceptable Use Policy for Techology Resources, guidelines for building an inclusive community, and principles for DEI.

We would like to ensure these gatherings and communications are accessible to all who want to participate. Please contact us if you need special accommodations, or if we can improve our communications.