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Third meeting May 29 2024

The 3rd meeting of the MSU-RSD is set for Wednesday May 29, 2024, 12:00 pm in the ICER Seminar Room, inside room 1440 in the BPS building, 567 Wilson Road

Please contact us for a zoom link to attend remotely . (*NB: I sent an incorrect zoom link earlier this month, please contact us if you can't connect. See the announcement on our Microsoft Teams channel.

Note that the door to 1440 is locked and can't be left open, but someone will stand by and let you in. There is a doorbell if you need access.

Second meeting April 22

The second meeting of the MSU-RSD is scheduled for Monday April 22, 2024 in the large conference room of the department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE) 1502 Engineering Bldg, on the MSU Campus.

Summary of first meeting march 2024

We held our first meeting March 7th and it was a great success. There were over 40 attendees (total in person and on line) with many coming in person. I want to thank all who spoke up, and who let me put them on the spot!

First meeting scheduled for March 7th

Our first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 7, at 3:30 pm in Room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences, 567 Wilson Road, on the MSU Campus. An announcement was sent over campus mailing lists that included a zoom link.

Hello world!

When I've been the sole software developer on a research team, I've often felt isolated and unsure that my work. Without peers I really didn't produce the best software. I also lack the expertise of dedicated IT staff, but may be one of the few among this group with research experience. But in the last several years I've had the pleasure of working with many people on this campus like myself who work in this intersection of custom software development for scholary activities - in many disciplines.