First meeting scheduled for March 7th
Our first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 7, at 3:30 pm in Room 1400 Biomedical and Physical Sciences, 567 Wilson Road, on the MSU Campus. An announcement was sent over campus mailing lists that included a zoom link.
Drinks and afternoon snacks will be provided.
We anticipate the meeting will take approximately 90 minutes and you may drop in at any time.
Please complete this form if you plan to attend so we may gauge attendance, or if you'd like to be added to a low-traffic mailing list: (MSU login required)
- Welcome & Background
- Why are we here? What are our common interests?
- Introductions
- Optional Sharing work stories. What kind of work do we do to support the research and academic missions of MSU?
- Shaping the direction of this community and building the membership
- Plan for future communications, meetings, and activities
If you have any questions or would like to attend via zoom and would like the meeting ID/PW, please contact:
- Pat Bills
- Andrew Fullard